Monday, March 30, 2020

COVID-19 Update

Good Morning Everyone.  Riverside Township has received notification from the Burlington County Health Department of our first presumptive positive case.  For the full alert, please see the following link.

While we will not notify residents every time we receive this type of notification, we felt it prudent to advise that we do have our first case.  We continue to ask that residents follow all current recommendations and policies regarding social distancing in order to keep yourself and your community safe. For additional information and resources, please visit the County and State websites that have been established for COVID-19.

Friday, March 27, 2020

Solid Waste Colletion Update

Effective Monday March 30, 2020, bulk trash collection will cease for an undetermined period of time.  Regular trash collection will continue as scheduled.  The Township is currently exploring alternatives for bulk trash collection.  In the interim, do not place any bulk items at the curbside. 

Township Services Update

Good Afternoon Everyone and Happy Friday.  We hope that this post finds you safe and healthy.  We at the Township continue to operate, albeit with modified staffing and schedules.  To that end, please be advised of the following:

The Township Administrative Offices will remain closed to the public at this time.  Administrative staff will continue to rotate in and out of the office, so someone will be available by phone and email during regular business hours.  We continue to encourage residents to utilize our drop box or our website for payments. 

While the Public Works Department continues to operate, the yard will remain closed to the public, which will require the cancellation of our normal Saturday opening from 10 am to 2 pm.  Please place any materials (branches, leaves/grass) for collection at the curbside.

The Township will continue to perform inspections for construction, rental and resale.  Please be advised, however, that we will not perform any inspections of occupies properties.

Should you have any questions about our services during this emergent situation, please contact Meghan Jack, Township Administrator, at 856-461-1460 x4 or

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Thank You from Township Committee

The Township Committee would like to take this opportunity to thank our Emergency Management Officials (from left to right): Fire Chief Don Nesbitt, Emergency Management Coordinator George Conard, Jr., Palmyra Ambulance Association Chief Dan Norman, and Riverside Township Police Chief Bill Eliason.  Each of them has been working both individually and collectively to ensure that our community is not only safe, but has the most relevant and pertinent information regarding COVID-19.  Our community is fortunate to have such dedicated individuals.

Monday, March 16, 2020

Public Safety Announcement - COVID-19 Update

Good Evening Riverside Community.

At the Riverside Township Committee meeting of March 16, 2020, the Mayor and Township Committee authorized the closure of the municipal administrative offices to the public beginning March 17, 2020 and continuing through March 31, 2020.  The employees within these offices, however, will continue to provide services via phone, e-mail, internet and mail.  Please see our website, or previous announcement, for all pertinent contact information. 

The Township will continue to provide access to the drop box outside of the administrative offices located at 237 S. Pavilion Avenue and an additional drop box for all larger documents will be placed outside of the front door.  Please do not place cash in either drop box.  As a result of the office closures, the deadline for remittance of the annual animal license(s) will be extended from March 31, 2020 to April 10, 2020.  All other due dates will remain unchanged at this time. 

In light of the recommended social distancing guidelines, our fields and parks are currently closed to group activities of more than 10 people.  While we understand the need to seek outdoor activities, we ask you to be mindful of your surroundings and contact with other individuals outside of your household.  Use of any fields or equipment at this time is at your own risk. 

Our Public Works Department will continue to provide all customary services during this time.  We do ask, however, that you do not approach them if you have a question or concern.  Please instead contact Township Administrator Meghan Jack at or 856-461-1460 x4.

We thank everyone for the understanding and cooperation in this uncharted territory, and remind everyone that we are here to help answer any questions or concerns.  Please continue to check all Township social media for updates. 

Comcast Notice

PSE&G Notice

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Public Safety Announcement - COVID - 19

Good Evening everyone.  Please see the following Public Safety Announcement from Chief William Eliason:

Public Safety Announcement - COVID - 19

In addition, while no decisions have been made regarding public access the Township Offices, we are asking that you aid us in our efforts to limit public access.  Our staff will remain in the offices between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., and are available by phone and email as follows:

Meghan Jack - 856-461-1460 x4 -

Susan Dydek - 856-461-1460 x2 -

Jackie Ransburgh - 856-461-1460 x1 -
Cheryl Hardie - 856-461-1460 x1 -
Mindie Weiner - 856-461-1460 x1 -

Gina Carroll - 856-461-1460 x5 -

Jakki Dorisio - 856-461-1460 x3 -

Code Enforcement:
Kevin Johnson - 856-461-1460 x7 - 

Sherryl Allen - 856-461-8820 x2

Kyle Godfrey - 856-461-8820 x2

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Riverside Public Library - Meet the Author

Meet the Authority at Riverside Library - March 26, 2020 - 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm

The Riverside Historical Society has launched its new book “Progress to Riverside: A Story of Our Town’s Past” for the 125th anniversary of the incorporation of Riverside, New Jersey. Since its last publication nineteen years ago, the Historical Society has received numerous donations of photographs, maps, and research.  These contributions have provided new insight in telling the story of the nineteenth century residents who contributed to Riverside’s prosperity as a community. The book’s author, Herman Maurer, is a former resident and a trustee of the historical society.

The cost of the book is $24.95. Make checks to – Riverside Historical Society

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Fire District Budget Update

The Township Committee voted 4-1 on Resolution 2020-#43 to approve the 2020 budget of the Fire District at the Special Meeting of March 2, 2020.  The vote was proceeded by a public hearing at the Special Meeting of March 2, 2020 and public comment during the Regular Meeting of February 24, 2020.  The Township Committee ultimately voted to approve the budget due to the fact that the 2020 budget represents a zero tax increase and, more importantly, that the denial of the budget would shutdown the Fire District and require the Township to contract with another entity to provide fire services.  Any individual with specific questions regarding the Fire District budget are encouraged to contact Chief Nesbitt at 856-461-6251.  Any individual with questions regarding the role of the Township Committee in the process should contact Meghan Jack at 856-461-1460 x4.  We thank everyone who has participated in this process.